Book Review: First Day on Earth by Cecil Castellucci

firstdayonearthAuthor: Cecil Castellucci

Publisher: Scholastic Press

Pages: 150

First Day on Earth

Summary: A startling, wonderful novel about the true meaning of being an alien in an equally alien world.

“We are specks. Pieces of dust in this universe. Big nothings.

“I know what I am.”

Mal lives on the fringes of high school. Angry. Misunderstood. Yet loving the world — or, at least, an idea of the world.

Then he meets Hooper. Who says he’s from another planet. And may be going home very soon.


I picked up this book thinking it would be a fun read, but while I enjoyed the story, it was actually sad. Mal’s life is full of disappointment; his father left, and his mother is an alcoholic. He’s got no real friends, save two guys he sometimes talks to at school. Most days, he goes through life being ignored or ridiculed. Oh, and he thinks, no he’s sure, that he’s been abducted by aliens.

At first, I thought maybe he’s crazy, delusional,  but then he meets Hooper, someone who says he’s an alien, at a group for abductees, and I couldn’t tell anymore. Even at the end, I still couldn’t tell. But I enjoyed the book. So, read for yourself and make up your own mind.

My rating: 3 out of 5 stars.

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